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Guide ➤ Available Commands

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/str <Number> - Add Strength 
/agi <Number> - Add Agility
/vit <Number> - Add Vitality
/ene <Number> - Add Energy
/com <Number> - Add Command (Dark Lord only)
/fort <Number> - Add Fortune (All except Dark Lord)
/post <Message> - Global message
/war <Guild name> - Make a guildwar
/soccer <Guild name> - Start Soccer event (will be reworked)
/re <'on', 'off' or 'auto'> - Off: cancel all requests; On: accept all requests; Auto: auto-accept all requests to your character
/evo - Evolve your character (only during Alpha and Beta tests)
/ware <number of chest> - Additional ware for your account (Max: 3 (0, 1 and 2), Premium: 8 (0-7))
/restats - Reset your stats (Level stats)
/repoints - Reset your points (Zodiac level points)
/bro <target player> - make a little Squad with your friend (Lorencia bar 118 142 & 121 142, Booze item required)
/accept - to accept a bro proposal - Accept request to make a Bro Squad
/bye - to quarrel with bro - Destroy Bro Squad
/movetobro - Teleport to locate your bro
/gpack <count> - Gear Level Jewel pack (max 250)
/rpack <count> - Weapon Level Jewel pack (max 250)
/bpack <count> - Wings Level Jewel pack (max 250)
/store <S, M, L, D> - Create a personal store with different currencies (Zen Coins)
/offstore - Makes your character with personal store offline


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